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10 Steps to Writing a Great Essay

When it comes to essay writing, many students feel overwhelmed. But what if I told you that writing an essay is not as daunting as it seems? In fact, with the right approach and tools, essay writing can be fun and enjoyable. The key is to break it down into manageable steps and to be equipped with the right tips and strategies. In this guide, you'll discover the Essay Writing Insights: Professional Tips for Students and how to make the process less intimidating and more rewarding. So, if you dread essay writing, keep reading, and let's transform that fear into excitement.

Essay Writing Can be Fun

Did you know that writing an essay is just telling a story? Yes, most essays answer the question by narrating an experience, giving an argument, or explaining a concept. The most fun writing experiences often come when you engage with your topic deeply and share your insights in a clear, compelling manner. It's all about perspective. When you shift your mindset and view the essay as a story or conversation, it becomes less of a chore and more of an exciting challenge.

Writing an Essay is so Hard

For many, writing an essay feels hard because they don't know where to start or how to structure their thoughts. Some common challenges students face include a lack of clarity about the essay topic, procrastination, and feeling unmotivated to write. But the truth is, once you overcome these initial barriers and get into the rhythm of writing, you'll find that the process can be quite enjoyable. Here's a step process to help you tackle your next essay with confidence.

Step Process to Writing a Great Essay

Essay is Just a Story

Begin with understanding that every essay tells a story. Whether you're arguing a point, explaining a concept, or narrating an experience, you're essentially sharing a story. So, think about the narrative arc and how you can structure your essay to take the reader on a journey.

Most fun Writing

Identify what you enjoy most about the topic and focus on that. Finding the fun in writing is about connecting with your topic on a personal level.

Write five Original Sentences

Start with just five original sentences that outline the main idea of each paragraph. This will give you a roadmap for your essay and make the writing process smoother.

Write the Body

Once you have your outline, start with the body of the essay. This is where you delve deep into your topic, provide evidence, and make your argument. Remember to use transitions between paragraphs to guide the reader smoothly through your narrative.

Most Essays Answer the Question

Ensure that your essay answers the given question or prompt. Always refer back to the essay question to make sure you're on track.

Enjoy Essay Writing

Shift your perspective. Instead of viewing essay writing as a tedious task, see it as an opportunity to express yourself, share your insights, and connect with your audience. When you enjoy the process, it reflects in the quality of your writing.

Looking for More Essay Writing Tips

There are countless resources available, both online and offline, that offer guidance on essay writing. From essay writing software like ProWritingAid to books on writing, there's a wealth of information out there. However, remember that while tips and tricks can be helpful, the most important thing is to find a process that works best for you. Everyone's writing journey is unique.

Dos and Don'ts


Do research thoroughly. Do use tools like ProWritingAid to refine your writing. Do stay true to the essay prompt. Do proofread your essay multiple times. Do seek feedback from teachers or peers.


Don't procrastinate. Don't rely solely on Wikipedia. Don't forget to cite your sources. Don't be afraid to revise and rewrite. Don't submit without thorough proofreading.


How can I improve my essay writing skills?

Practice regularly, seek feedback, read widely, and consider using tools like ProWritingAid.

How long should an essay be?

It depends on the assignment. Always refer to the guidelines provided by your teacher or institution.

What should I do if I feel unmotivated to write?

Break the task into smaller steps, find a quiet place to work, and focus on why you're writing the essay. Connecting with the purpose can reignite your motivation.

Final Thoughts

Essay writing is a skill, and like any other skill, it can be honed with practice, patience, and the right approach. Remember to stay curious, be open to feedback, and enjoy the process. With these steps in mind, not only will you write a great essay, but you'll also find joy in the journey of articulating your thoughts and sharing them with the world. Here's to many more essays that resonate and make an impact!

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